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Apple TV

If you had asked me even 12 months ago about my views on Apple products Iwould have dismissed them out of hand, and in many cases I would still have amajor dispute with anyone who thinks the MacOs is in any way a good operatingsystem…. however when it comes to mobile devices, Apple have changed mylife.The latest Apple product to grace the TV stand is Apple TV. Upon arrival in atiny, tiny box, my first thoughts were… uh-oh there is no way that this canpossibly do what it is claiming to allow…So setting it up…Plug it in (with NO EXTERNAL PSU either! WOW)Plug in HDMI cablePress the remote…and WOW what a remote – carved out of what looks like asingle block of aluminium – it feels exceptional, and high qualityAnswer a few short questions (Country, WiFi etc) and wow – there it is, readyto go – and it looks amazing! Unlike previous media devices, Apple have managedto achieve a GUI that looks amazing (not a clunky dos-based looking mediaplayer) and can all be control by the remote, my iPad or iPhone (very cleverwith gestures!)More to follow once I experiment with it to find out its limitations….. I amlooking forward to converting all of our DVD collection to HG264 format (MP4)and then being able to play them via the Apple TV at a click (and the SAN box toput them all on will need, by current calculations, around 48Tb of storage).