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Ubuntu - Copy all files from another server by FTP

Moving servers from one infrastructure to another. In our case, from Webfusion UK to AWS.Problem we face is that there are over 82Gb of files to move from one server to another. Traditionally we would have downloaded them all locally, then uploaded them, but what if there was a way to transfer them directly from one server to another.We turned on FTP on the source server, and updated the firewall so that only the destination IP could connect.Then on the destination server we can simply type:wget -r ftp://sourceip/folderinftproot/* --ftp-user=username --ftp-password=password -P /var/www/html/ -qThis copies all folders from the FTP root on the source server in to the web root of the new server.To transfer 82Gb of data between data-centres took 14 minutes, compared to the older download-upload method we used to use that took several overnights of downloading locally!And of course, remembering to turn off FTP on the source server once completed!