Minecrafter Badge
I have commissioned a special badge with a goal of showing that the wearer is an avid Minecraft player.If used in Scouting, at present it can only be worn on uniform for 1 year from the date of issue as a custom badge with approval from your county commissioner, however I am working to get it internationally recognised as an activity badge.I have requested approval from the Scout Association to call this an official activity badge, however this has not been granted, and has to wait until their next review, so they are not official activity badges, and does not have the scouting logo on the badge. I am obviously hoping the the Scout Association approves the badge and allows me to make it an official badge with the logo on it!Its called the Minecrafter Badge. Its available in four different styles.
Its primarily designed to encourage those who are not perhaps the most athletic and sporty to feel that they too can achieve something, and a wonderful way to get potential new members interested.
Getting the badge
For Scout leaders wishing to purchase this badge, it is available for £1 each from below. This covers the cost of making the badge, the postage and a very small amount of profit that is used to support a local scout troop. NB. For all orders of £15 or over there is free shipping.

These are not official scouting badges, however as they were conceived of and designed by scouts we propose the following criteria to help you with determining sufficient knowledge to attain the badge if you wish to do so. Lots of the goals are about creativity, but you should add a focus of online safety if possible.